This might be my last chance So maybe I should take it I just hope you're listening To everything I'm saying I miss the long drives, the car rides The bad fights, the good times The way you make me feel Will never leave my mind Think of you later in my empty room Where I, I will fall asleep alone Think of you later in my empty room Where I, I will fall asleep alone
Written on: Monday, September 26, 2005 Time: 3:08 AM
humph.i hate eoys! x( haha.i've not revised anything lar.except for the maths study group (: hahha.whee! im gonna get lots of chocolates tmr! x) or rather next week! woots! rock rock ROCK! xD wahaas.maybe i should not blog anymore until after eoys.should i? rah.i've been blogging less often nowadays.and yes! i was supposed to be making my blogskin together with allyssa.but it seems that she has already finished but i have not started anytime.hahha.lalas~ think i gonna make only afetr eoys (: yays! tmr got remedial for science.hahha.but got presentation.bleh bleh x( so sick! i have not really memorised it la! =/ heh.and yes! TIANHUI! hong zi! my poor pathetic hong zi! x( embarrassing can! woah x( okayye la.shall go and do my homework which i have not even started.history and chinese[half way through] heh.GOSH! my html! bleh.dont give a damn man.if i dont have the time i WONT do =/ im naughty man.okayye and qianwen wants us to get the science notes ready by tmr but i think i wont be finding it todae, as a result tmr i will get scolded ): ahh.anw anw anw.ytd was so fun la.went to gillian's house then her friend pinru was there.played the BIG uno and pinru lost EVERY SINGLE TIME.muahaas.evil*alrights.shall go take lunch and do my hw after gonna LOCK myself in my room.with air-con and im gonna finish the hw and MUG x) im a good girl now *ego man. okayye la.going off.whee!
Written on: Friday, September 23, 2005 Time: 11:49 AM
whee! im COOKIEfied todae! katherine too! x) whee! okayye larr todae went to orchard with katherine to get yushi's present (: heh.damn funnie lar.umm we got no her a sling bag and a pencil case.then went to buy FOOD (: (: ate ate ate and ate.umm first we bought what ah..err.oh yes! curry puff.lols.then got steam leh! x/ lols.cos was damn hot.okayye then bought japanese waffle x) was so damn nice nad katherine spoke to the japanese lady in japanese.the lady's so cute! then we din noe what flavour to take so i picked two and katherine chose the end we chose rocks lar.okayye then bought two sticks of chicken. oh well, bascially cos i dont know the name ya.then sat at the fountain to eat and was damn funny and we checked yushi's bag after that we went walking around and saw something i forgot what.hah lame me =.= and anw then we went to a shop then katherine told me her fater made me within a few daes.wah so pro lar.hahha we were laughing all the way like mad woman lar x) WOOTS! just realised ii've not done maths ws 13.1! gosh ): im so dead! rah cant blog too long todae though i got lots to sae.okayye we bought cookies and ate on the mrt damn funny lar! (: then we were cookiefied man! then were planning what to buy after eoys when we go to orchard with our MONEY.we rock man x) okayye lar the cookiefied person is gonna stop blogging.whee! love katherine and yes! eva dont be sad hugs are being promised! love xD
Written on: Thursday, September 22, 2005 Time: 10:38 AM blogging so gonna be died tmr lar! =/ i've not done A SINGLE thing for my website.bleh ): im just too lazy and had STUDY GROUP this whole week or rather todae's the LAST dae for me! whee! umm for maths lar though.bwahaas.qianwen's a maths freak man! heh.she's our teacher.forever homework and gonna GROW FAT after the eoys or rather study groups.whee! fat fat fat! i wanna grow fat man =/ so pissed.just cant dun be under-weight.humph ): thats so saddening.and okayye todae umm IPW had free period so went to library with eva and weiyi and haidee (: okayye but weiyi and eva went to the last storey while me and haidee stayed at the second level to play games (: hah.with katherine and guys lar.okayye and i tried reading GERMAN and i rock man xD okayye eva was like nonono.its blah blah blah.she went on reading and i listened.but apparently i din understand a single thing.wahaas (: okayye.shall stop here and go think of how to design darling's book.wahaas.and the content =/ my brain's so not studying and am actually doing this.bwahaas.but WHO CARES.
Written on: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Time: 11:05 AM
umm realised that i should really delete the post according to my dear allyssa (: bwahaas.okayye mugged maths like mad todae with qianwen lim min and cheryl xD anw, the class's white board is nicely decorated by sandie and qianwen! whee! (: lalas.okayye and i bought sheena and eva chocolates (: nice leh x) im high todae and is full of joy and laughter.we must smile! (: (: woots!
Written on: Sunday, September 18, 2005 Time: 3:17 AM
lalas.don't feel liky blogging but since i have got nothing to do i shall just blog and tianhui are against possessive-ness! woots! (: bwahaas.anti-POSSESSIVE xD okayye liky i agree.just whats her problem now.bleh cant really be bothered with her ya = why is it that YOU can have friends and WE cant? im pissed off with YOU kayye! but bet tianhui's even more pissed off.okayye WE shall not care about her anymore right tianhui? still goes on without HER.oh well, i'll change a topic (: umm.dont noe what to write about cos im getting bored then my mind's dying and i cant think so i shall stop.heh.oh yays! gillian's making a personalised blogskin for me! whee! oh hahha.POPCORN.we're great popcorn poppers! woots~ xD we go and pop somemore popcorns! (: wahahs.okayye shall stop and go tkae my lunch.bleh i HATE to tkae lunch = lame.okayye bye (:
Written on: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Time: 9:35 AM
im finally blogging again *pouts.was sick during the hols and was too tired to blog.bleh =/ okayye.todae's tuesdae so i shall just talk about what happened todae.bwahaas.umm todae? what happened todae huh? eh? man, im having short term memory and okayye.todae umm yes, time-table was damn slack.cos its the wonder tuesdae! xD lols.tuesdae for both odd and even weeks rocks! (: hahha.cos the first recess rocks and the lessons are so slack-able xD okayye lame! *pokes. umm yes maths was kind of lyk boring cos was still algebra and i HATE algebra ): umm wonrg! i should LEARN to love algebra, mrs chang saes so.heh.tralalas~ but apparently i wasn't listening and only did some stupid workings which i did understand and umm yarh! i kept drawing stupid things.hahha.thhen lianghui's becoming more and more childish i should sae? she was actually talking to cheryl's little bear and calls it a panda when its not.then when we correct her she said its the name! woah haha.then she was yes talking to it! then putting it on her pen.lols.then would hide it saeing panda where are you? lols.then once she put it near her ear and i was lyk hey wad are u doing eh? then u noe wad she said?! shh! panda's telling me someth.WAHAHAS.lianghui's going mad! =/ lalas~ but lucikly she stopped aftfer maths cos latter was speechh training and im not in grumble family anymore so i lyk joined the group B then chose to stand between katherine and kaini xD then was making alot of noise but actually not that much =/ hurhur.okayye qianwen saw me getting along VERY WELL with katherine then started to seperate us! woah ): ): humph.i want katherine! humph.but nvm (: i went to the other side.cheryl! lols. okayye larr.then umm after that was was damn fun! cos it was raining! raining raining raining! (: (: then at first ran once arnd the track/ car-park there then had the physical test or someth.haha.did the throws and just as we were moving to the broadjump thingy it drizzled and ms chang asked us to go to the shelter.lols and she stood there with us then later ms yeo and the first half came to join us! ONE big family with two mamas : so mad we stood under that pathetic shelter for quite long then the shelter had holes so we lifted the thing up and water came down! woots! ms yeo and ms chang were lauhging at us xD was so fun adn some of us were darn wet! okayye then err someone came to the rescue.dunno who though.lols.HE came with a few umbrellas and gave them to us.lols. so we went off in twos or threes.whee! wahahas.then everyone was running to the general office side.lols.then lianghui came back with the umbrella and went back with katherine and me! damn funnie was running in the rain cos lianghui din really hold the umbrealla well.hahha.but later we decided to be good girls cos were afraid teachers would be angry.okayye then later lainghi was trying to cover her COLOURED bra.lols.was black and so obvious cos we were ALL wet! pouts.then had the theory test in the middle of the GO and admin office.lols. in rows damn cute.and apparently i din noe how to do the history test.pokes! oh well, thats very just dumb.and yar went for recess later.was supposed to have mass-dance but chen lili lao shi was out of the country so had free time.was eating ice-cream even outside the class.going to finish lar (: so i quickly gobbled it up cos mdm cheong and mrs tan's in class.hahha.saw eva cos think they had speech training.then she was why you eat ice-cream.lols.cute cute darling xD BARNEY NUMBER TWO! woots~ loves. okayye then stayed in the com lab with yinghui yushi and cheryl cos had free time so went there =x hahha.then i wanted to go back for fear a teacher might come in.then no one wanted to go back with me and i was so scared! also dunno why.bwahaas.then they kept scaring me with ghosts and stuff! *pouts.yinghui still showed me scary pictures till i screamed.phew luckily no teacher came in.lalas~ called katherine and got her to fetch me back to class (: whee! haha.katherine rocks can! but in the end went back all together and yushi was scaring me all the way.lols.i POKE her! childish.hahha. umm then it was lunch again.lols.went to com lab again! lols.phobia of the lab ): okayye then was art.lalas~ yupp nothing much le.then went back to c;ass with yushi and saw EVA! lols.eva eva eva (: hahha she wanted to see my pinch-pot but hahha its with yushi =P heh.eva's a good pinch-pot maker but definitely not me (: hahhha.then went back with yenjin (: lols.okayye about that.shall stop its a very very long! lols.bye (:
Written on: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 Time: 9:33 AM
oh well, i fell down todae! woah both knees were bleeding! ): eek.okayye lets start from the beginning of the dae (: the orienteering competition for brownies section; keming primarie group two WON! okayye they won! xD why they won? oh let me explain, basically is cos they have good team marshals.who are the team marshals? BWAHAAS! oh cos its me! and not forgetting rayna! (: (: whee! oh too ego! =x lols.anw yarh the vernis is damn CUTE! seriously xD and the audrea or someth lyk that is even cuter so small-size and CUTE! we played one game whereby you have to connect all things to form the longest line or someth. then she took out her shoelaces from her shoe then when we had to go to the next station she had no tme to put te shoelace into the second shoe then rayna was helping her anad she walked or ran arnd without one shoe and the YAs were laughing at her then she was so shy! ^^ omg, damn cute (: okayye then went to coronation with amanda, yenjin and zihui (: then when we alighted fromt he bus i TRIPPED and FELL! woah ): then BOTH knees were bleeding! *pouts* then err sat at the bus-stop for awhile then there's this man who walked over and said--girl, fell down ah? faster put your saliva on the wound.then go home apply cream or something. i looked at him and said yarh, saliva? lols.then he still said YES! put alot alot no harm! humph amanda they all were laughing at me can! then yenjin was lyk nono dun put.bwahaas.anw he walked awae so i wiped the small amt of saliva awae.whee! then had difficulty walking.woah.went to buy bubble tea nuggets frenh fries and onion rings.lols. saw jojo and her netballers then saw umm PATRICIA! angelie angel xP okayye she went with her band mates for lunch and were sitting ont he floor =/ walalas~ shall stop cos its damn terrible my knees are hurting and im having sore throat flu and alight fever.since last night ): humph.shall stop..*zooms for my bed (: *
Written on: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Time: 7:36 AM
early in the morning i woke up and found one of the discus lying dead on the ground ): died! woah so sad can! and there were ants all around it *pokes* ahah.also dunno why the in the fish tank it would end up on the ground lying flat. lols.maybe it jumped off the fish tank; it doesnt feel lyk living? =/ so ful of crap. err yarh then in the late morning went to a dunno wad shopping centre then shop around then went to northpoint while my grandma went to suntec city with my brother ): unfair right!? lols. okayye but nvm went to northpoint with my mommy xD and i ate swensens ice-cream! walalas~ ice-creams are nice and wonderful! (: and yays! you are feeling okayye le so can disturb sheena at night by having conf! XD then ALL of us will be deprived of our sleeps (: bwahaas. but think sheena enjoys it ^^ right sheena? oh well sheena, eva WILL protect me first if danger happens to both of us at the same time (: ahahh. was arguing with sheena online about this ytd =x lols. anw i owe eva, tianhui, yenjin and debbie letters! argh.HEH but katherine owes me one long letter too! x) *pokes pokes katherine* eva's letter must be a week long; tianhui's two pages long and yenjin err. maybe two pages too? try larh hor? wahahas~ grr my throat hurts! ): eww and tmr needa go back to ny for the west-division orienteering thingy! *pouts* needa wake up early! : okayye shall stop here..
Written on: Monday, September 05, 2005 Time: 2:00 AM
whee! im back once again (: lols.din manage to blog ytd cos the schedule was DAMN PACKED.okayye, now let's trace back to the past =/ so lame! ytd had to go back to school at EIGHT and cca ended lyk how late the previous dae?! disgusting.bwahaas.okayye had to go back to ny for the trial run for the west-division orienteering competiton on tuesdae (: we saw the swiss cottage guides and some other ppl from other schools thou they came for the st.johns thingy; dunnoe wad thing.okayye anw. we only could leave when our different groups finished the puzzle.hahha.we finshed second but waited for the bus for lyk HOW LONG?! woah.maybe cos we din reallie noe wad bus to take cos we dunno how to use the bus guide! and the snrs following us were lyk laughing at was a FAILURE to get to the bukit timah hill.WOAH! so pissed.lols. made the snrs walk with us and went round and evil larh me =/ okayye spent almost an hour when we were only supposed to take 15 minutes.hahha.okayye then the station ICs were GAOMIN and kyna and another swiss cottage guide.whee! gaomin! hey katherine i dunno if you are seeing this but nvm dun be sad and dun get jealous cos i saw gaomin! xD okayye then got the other clue then it was kentridge.we were lyk crazie people going asking where's that place.lols. so funnie can! err.then went to the kentridge terminal and realised there's no much time so went back to stupid, only completed two stations[ including the jigsaw puzzle] jigsaw puzzles rock man! x) hahas. err, then went back then ms ng was lyk talking and talking non-stop about wad should be improved for the tuesdae's competition.lols. alot of things happened but im too lazy to list one by one ): was damn funnie thou.umm then went to j8 with cheryl and evelyn and tianhui and yiwei thou yiwei went back after buying her mac.lols.then cheryl they went to food junction while tianhui and me went to yoshinoya.whee! was laughing lyk mad and i kept showing her a paper given to me by a dunno wad person; its about basketball competitions.WHEE! no larh just joking but tianhui was laughing at me! humph. okayye then had to rush home cos had campfire that night.ahh.i rushed home then bathe, changed into uniform.went to my cousin's house later.sat for lyk FIVE minutes and went off to meet yiwei to go to the redhill mrt (: saw our snrs and fellow guides.went to the gan eng seng sec school and the campfire was fun! cos we shouted and shouted.lols. we ran round the so called fire many times and went to "stage" to watch the gan eng seng scouts perform lyk a live concert.woots~ we jumped and jumped and screamed and screamed! OH YA! the gate way built by the scouts was damn cool and nice! it could lyk be lifted up (; whee! the scouts kept cheering and cheering lyk mad ppl! =/ was fun larh xD then when we went back renice told us to get into the mrt so we rushed in and when we went in the door closed and they said they made a mistake and we were on the wrong mrt.LOLS. hahha.but later huibin called me and said we can alight at the raffles place and change to the other line later.lols.was funny larh. then nth much happened later. OH, eva called me cos her joel friend raided her phone! lols. haha.then i was smsing eva, her friend and zhuangda at the same time.tralalas~ okayye then her friend said, hey eva dalring.LOLS. damn cute (: okayye larh then was bluffing him all the wae =x okayye, im tired and shall stop here first might blog later in the night xD byeeeeeeeeee
Written on: Saturday, September 03, 2005 Time: 12:57 PM
YOYOYO! im back again! whee! bwahaas.i sound lyk a mad woman o.O okayye shant crapp too much todae.umm cos i wanna SLEEP.i've been deprived of my sleep these few daes can! woah todae's guides was lyk HURHUR =/ esp the PT can! rah; sucky larh! made us do lyk how many pumpings and everyone was lyk..almost dead cos we ran and were SO SWEATY and kept sliding on the floor.hahha. then umm did guides board AGAIN! lols.was damn funny larh had no colours for the guides' skin so we mixed and mixed and all of the guides looked different x) lols.damn disgusting! okayye, think the best was the practical and theory thingy on the the flag** yarh the so called quiz was damn funny cos some of us gave answers that really made the snrs laugh lyk mad! =/ hahha.then had briefing was NOT GOOD.cos it lasted for lyk VERY LONG cos ms ng came and gave a VERY long briefing.she's alwaes lyk that.okayye maybe she'll sae its all for ur own good.BWAHAAS.okayye then went back with TIANHUI cos yenjin went missing? lols.then me and tianhui were laughing lyk mad on the bus! muahahaas.okayye tmr got the orienteering trial run at dunno where and got CAMPFIRE at night man! woah just knew todae lyk wow?! hahhas (: okayye bet tmr's ANOTHER tiring dae! but nvm it's gonna be fun! lols.shall stop here.too tired ):
Written on: Friday, September 02, 2005 Time: 6:12 AM
lalas~ im blogging early todae (: early as in not in the night. lols. okayye last night i waited for YOUR call till i fell asleep x) as YOU noe, i love to sleep ^^ whee! okayye nvm but you called early in the morning AND i got a sore throat *pouts* hurhur.then kang xian as he claimed to be, smsed me.he got my number ytd and yarh angeline they all started to scare me by saeing that he gave it to ALL of his friends and someone in there likes me =/ oh wadever.bwahaas.kang xian's damn scarie can! ): but nvm i called out for zhuangda's help (: whee! then zhuangda said kangxian's rude cos he called zhuangda and when zhuangda said hello he just hung the phone. lols. i noe u ARE poilte. hahha. and my dad was at home todae (: so he went out with my brother to buy dunno wad food. i dunno wad issit so i blur blur just ate it xD being blur ROCKS! woots~ okayye and my dad asked me and my brother to have a competition =/ he asked us to drink water! LOLS was damn funnie ;the bottle was LONG.hahha okayye then making it not easy to drink.umm yarh then i drank till my WHOLE shirt was wet! argh.he said :" sec one alreadie still drink until lyk that.aiyoh" i was lyk wadever.BWAHAAS (: its so lame cos i lost =D heh. then was reading magazines all the while before using the com.tralalas~ err.i HAVEN start on my homework =x dun think we have to hand in any tmr so yarh shall be lazy =D wahahas.OH! i got homework to hand in tmr! (: LETTERS whee! YO TIANHUI! WHEE DARLING! xD ahh.sandie's happy todae (: spastic! lyk mentioning tianhui in every of my entries.lols. okayye as im blogging in the middle of the dae; nothing much to talk about (: lols.whee! tonight got SUPERSTAR! star star star x) GREEN and RED star! wheeeeeeeeeeeee
Written on: Thursday, September 01, 2005 Time: 10:54 AM
okayye im back again! (: whee! i called TIANHUI many times todae and she called me many times todae! xD YO TIANHUI! err. todae was a fun, sad, happy, angry, WONDERFUL dae! tralalas~ im going mad =/ okayye tianhui; promise you neoprints if we go out together again (: im nice! agree? lols.okayye *ego* umm.todae's prog in school was quite okayye larh then the class party i din reallie spend time with my class; spent it rather with tianhui and eva xD but actually more with tianhui (: bwahaas.tianhui rocks *beams* err.okayye todae in school i ate the dunno wad stupid sweet then was DAMN SOUR my saliva was FLOWING down! then cheryl jieyi linlin they were laughing at me can! grr.then i went to the garbage bag in class and its filled with my SALIVA! eww *pukes* then amanda sprayed the dunno wad thing on me then my hair had those stuff and i washed my hair can! woah =/ eva was wad happened to ur hair? lols.aiyah anw was damn pissed cos went back to cf and we weren't allowed to go in! bwahaas.went to mac then =/ then went back.hurhur.umm then waited till THREE! woah.then went in and got chased out of school at FOUR.wadever larh.then went to the northpoint with angeline melissa and sheena.angeline made us walk round the place man times cos they dunn wan to go back so early =/ then weiying ask me to ask the lady in the SEMBAWANG cd shop if they sell cds there.i asked and the lady was lyk: err, yes..? ahh.i was in my uniform and i actually did that?! woah then they were laughing at me can! =/ woah.err im damn tired now so shall stop; seems that im tired every single dae! =/ okayye im going off (:
Written on: Monday, September 26, 2005 Time: 3:08 AM
humph.i hate eoys! x( haha.i've not revised anything lar.except for the maths study group (: hahha.whee! im gonna get lots of chocolates tmr! x) or rather next week! woots! rock rock ROCK! xD wahaas.maybe i should not blog anymore until after eoys.should i? rah.i've been blogging less often nowadays.and yes! i was supposed to be making my blogskin together with allyssa.but it seems that she has already finished but i have not started anytime.hahha.lalas~ think i gonna make only afetr eoys (: yays! tmr got remedial for science.hahha.but got presentation.bleh bleh x( so sick! i have not really memorised it la! =/ heh.and yes! TIANHUI! hong zi! my poor pathetic hong zi! x( embarrassing can! woah x( okayye la.shall go and do my homework which i have not even started.history and chinese[half way through] heh.GOSH! my html! bleh.dont give a damn man.if i dont have the time i WONT do =/ im naughty man.okayye and qianwen wants us to get the science notes ready by tmr but i think i wont be finding it todae, as a result tmr i will get scolded ): ahh.anw anw anw.ytd was so fun la.went to gillian's house then her friend pinru was there.played the BIG uno and pinru lost EVERY SINGLE TIME.muahaas.evil*alrights.shall go take lunch and do my hw after gonna LOCK myself in my room.with air-con and im gonna finish the hw and MUG x) im a good girl now *ego man. okayye la.going off.whee!
Written on: Friday, September 23, 2005 Time: 11:49 AM
whee! im COOKIEfied todae! katherine too! x) whee! okayye larr todae went to orchard with katherine to get yushi's present (: heh.damn funnie lar.umm we got no her a sling bag and a pencil case.then went to buy FOOD (: (: ate ate ate and ate.umm first we bought what ah..err.oh yes! curry puff.lols.then got steam leh! x/ lols.cos was damn hot.okayye then bought japanese waffle x) was so damn nice nad katherine spoke to the japanese lady in japanese.the lady's so cute! then we din noe what flavour to take so i picked two and katherine chose the end we chose rocks lar.okayye then bought two sticks of chicken. oh well, bascially cos i dont know the name ya.then sat at the fountain to eat and was damn funny and we checked yushi's bag after that we went walking around and saw something i forgot what.hah lame me =.= and anw then we went to a shop then katherine told me her fater made me within a few daes.wah so pro lar.hahha we were laughing all the way like mad woman lar x) WOOTS! just realised ii've not done maths ws 13.1! gosh ): im so dead! rah cant blog too long todae though i got lots to sae.okayye we bought cookies and ate on the mrt damn funny lar! (: then we were cookiefied man! then were planning what to buy after eoys when we go to orchard with our MONEY.we rock man x) okayye lar the cookiefied person is gonna stop blogging.whee! love katherine and yes! eva dont be sad hugs are being promised! love xD
Written on: Thursday, September 22, 2005 Time: 10:38 AM blogging so gonna be died tmr lar! =/ i've not done A SINGLE thing for my website.bleh ): im just too lazy and had STUDY GROUP this whole week or rather todae's the LAST dae for me! whee! umm for maths lar though.bwahaas.qianwen's a maths freak man! heh.she's our teacher.forever homework and gonna GROW FAT after the eoys or rather study groups.whee! fat fat fat! i wanna grow fat man =/ so pissed.just cant dun be under-weight.humph ): thats so saddening.and okayye todae umm IPW had free period so went to library with eva and weiyi and haidee (: okayye but weiyi and eva went to the last storey while me and haidee stayed at the second level to play games (: hah.with katherine and guys lar.okayye and i tried reading GERMAN and i rock man xD okayye eva was like nonono.its blah blah blah.she went on reading and i listened.but apparently i din understand a single thing.wahaas (: okayye.shall stop here and go think of how to design darling's book.wahaas.and the content =/ my brain's so not studying and am actually doing this.bwahaas.but WHO CARES.
Written on: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Time: 11:05 AM
umm realised that i should really delete the post according to my dear allyssa (: bwahaas.okayye mugged maths like mad todae with qianwen lim min and cheryl xD anw, the class's white board is nicely decorated by sandie and qianwen! whee! (: lalas.okayye and i bought sheena and eva chocolates (: nice leh x) im high todae and is full of joy and laughter.we must smile! (: (: woots!
Written on: Sunday, September 18, 2005 Time: 3:17 AM
lalas.don't feel liky blogging but since i have got nothing to do i shall just blog and tianhui are against possessive-ness! woots! (: bwahaas.anti-POSSESSIVE xD okayye liky i agree.just whats her problem now.bleh cant really be bothered with her ya = why is it that YOU can have friends and WE cant? im pissed off with YOU kayye! but bet tianhui's even more pissed off.okayye WE shall not care about her anymore right tianhui? still goes on without HER.oh well, i'll change a topic (: umm.dont noe what to write about cos im getting bored then my mind's dying and i cant think so i shall stop.heh.oh yays! gillian's making a personalised blogskin for me! whee! oh hahha.POPCORN.we're great popcorn poppers! woots~ xD we go and pop somemore popcorns! (: wahahs.okayye shall stop and go tkae my lunch.bleh i HATE to tkae lunch = lame.okayye bye (:
Written on: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Time: 9:35 AM
im finally blogging again *pouts.was sick during the hols and was too tired to blog.bleh =/ okayye.todae's tuesdae so i shall just talk about what happened todae.bwahaas.umm todae? what happened todae huh? eh? man, im having short term memory and okayye.todae umm yes, time-table was damn slack.cos its the wonder tuesdae! xD lols.tuesdae for both odd and even weeks rocks! (: hahha.cos the first recess rocks and the lessons are so slack-able xD okayye lame! *pokes. umm yes maths was kind of lyk boring cos was still algebra and i HATE algebra ): umm wonrg! i should LEARN to love algebra, mrs chang saes so.heh.tralalas~ but apparently i wasn't listening and only did some stupid workings which i did understand and umm yarh! i kept drawing stupid things.hahha.thhen lianghui's becoming more and more childish i should sae? she was actually talking to cheryl's little bear and calls it a panda when its not.then when we correct her she said its the name! woah haha.then she was yes talking to it! then putting it on her pen.lols.then would hide it saeing panda where are you? lols.then once she put it near her ear and i was lyk hey wad are u doing eh? then u noe wad she said?! shh! panda's telling me someth.WAHAHAS.lianghui's going mad! =/ lalas~ but lucikly she stopped aftfer maths cos latter was speechh training and im not in grumble family anymore so i lyk joined the group B then chose to stand between katherine and kaini xD then was making alot of noise but actually not that much =/ hurhur.okayye qianwen saw me getting along VERY WELL with katherine then started to seperate us! woah ): ): humph.i want katherine! humph.but nvm (: i went to the other side.cheryl! lols. okayye larr.then umm after that was was damn fun! cos it was raining! raining raining raining! (: (: then at first ran once arnd the track/ car-park there then had the physical test or someth.haha.did the throws and just as we were moving to the broadjump thingy it drizzled and ms chang asked us to go to the shelter.lols and she stood there with us then later ms yeo and the first half came to join us! ONE big family with two mamas : so mad we stood under that pathetic shelter for quite long then the shelter had holes so we lifted the thing up and water came down! woots! ms yeo and ms chang were lauhging at us xD was so fun adn some of us were darn wet! okayye then err someone came to the rescue.dunno who though.lols.HE came with a few umbrellas and gave them to us.lols. so we went off in twos or threes.whee! wahahas.then everyone was running to the general office side.lols.then lianghui came back with the umbrella and went back with katherine and me! damn funnie was running in the rain cos lianghui din really hold the umbrealla well.hahha.but later we decided to be good girls cos were afraid teachers would be angry.okayye then later lainghi was trying to cover her COLOURED bra.lols.was black and so obvious cos we were ALL wet! pouts.then had the theory test in the middle of the GO and admin office.lols. in rows damn cute.and apparently i din noe how to do the history test.pokes! oh well, thats very just dumb.and yar went for recess later.was supposed to have mass-dance but chen lili lao shi was out of the country so had free time.was eating ice-cream even outside the class.going to finish lar (: so i quickly gobbled it up cos mdm cheong and mrs tan's in class.hahha.saw eva cos think they had speech training.then she was why you eat ice-cream.lols.cute cute darling xD BARNEY NUMBER TWO! woots~ loves. okayye then stayed in the com lab with yinghui yushi and cheryl cos had free time so went there =x hahha.then i wanted to go back for fear a teacher might come in.then no one wanted to go back with me and i was so scared! also dunno why.bwahaas.then they kept scaring me with ghosts and stuff! *pouts.yinghui still showed me scary pictures till i screamed.phew luckily no teacher came in.lalas~ called katherine and got her to fetch me back to class (: whee! haha.katherine rocks can! but in the end went back all together and yushi was scaring me all the way.lols.i POKE her! childish.hahha. umm then it was lunch again.lols.went to com lab again! lols.phobia of the lab ): okayye then was art.lalas~ yupp nothing much le.then went back to c;ass with yushi and saw EVA! lols.eva eva eva (: hahha she wanted to see my pinch-pot but hahha its with yushi =P heh.eva's a good pinch-pot maker but definitely not me (: hahhha.then went back with yenjin (: lols.okayye about that.shall stop its a very very long! lols.bye (:
Written on: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 Time: 9:33 AM
oh well, i fell down todae! woah both knees were bleeding! ): eek.okayye lets start from the beginning of the dae (: the orienteering competition for brownies section; keming primarie group two WON! okayye they won! xD why they won? oh let me explain, basically is cos they have good team marshals.who are the team marshals? BWAHAAS! oh cos its me! and not forgetting rayna! (: (: whee! oh too ego! =x lols.anw yarh the vernis is damn CUTE! seriously xD and the audrea or someth lyk that is even cuter so small-size and CUTE! we played one game whereby you have to connect all things to form the longest line or someth. then she took out her shoelaces from her shoe then when we had to go to the next station she had no tme to put te shoelace into the second shoe then rayna was helping her anad she walked or ran arnd without one shoe and the YAs were laughing at her then she was so shy! ^^ omg, damn cute (: okayye then went to coronation with amanda, yenjin and zihui (: then when we alighted fromt he bus i TRIPPED and FELL! woah ): then BOTH knees were bleeding! *pouts* then err sat at the bus-stop for awhile then there's this man who walked over and said--girl, fell down ah? faster put your saliva on the wound.then go home apply cream or something. i looked at him and said yarh, saliva? lols.then he still said YES! put alot alot no harm! humph amanda they all were laughing at me can! then yenjin was lyk nono dun put.bwahaas.anw he walked awae so i wiped the small amt of saliva awae.whee! then had difficulty walking.woah.went to buy bubble tea nuggets frenh fries and onion rings.lols. saw jojo and her netballers then saw umm PATRICIA! angelie angel xP okayye she went with her band mates for lunch and were sitting ont he floor =/ walalas~ shall stop cos its damn terrible my knees are hurting and im having sore throat flu and alight fever.since last night ): humph.shall stop..*zooms for my bed (: *
Written on: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Time: 7:36 AM
early in the morning i woke up and found one of the discus lying dead on the ground ): died! woah so sad can! and there were ants all around it *pokes* ahah.also dunno why the in the fish tank it would end up on the ground lying flat. lols.maybe it jumped off the fish tank; it doesnt feel lyk living? =/ so ful of crap. err yarh then in the late morning went to a dunno wad shopping centre then shop around then went to northpoint while my grandma went to suntec city with my brother ): unfair right!? lols. okayye but nvm went to northpoint with my mommy xD and i ate swensens ice-cream! walalas~ ice-creams are nice and wonderful! (: and yays! you are feeling okayye le so can disturb sheena at night by having conf! XD then ALL of us will be deprived of our sleeps (: bwahaas. but think sheena enjoys it ^^ right sheena? oh well sheena, eva WILL protect me first if danger happens to both of us at the same time (: ahahh. was arguing with sheena online about this ytd =x lols. anw i owe eva, tianhui, yenjin and debbie letters! argh.HEH but katherine owes me one long letter too! x) *pokes pokes katherine* eva's letter must be a week long; tianhui's two pages long and yenjin err. maybe two pages too? try larh hor? wahahas~ grr my throat hurts! ): eww and tmr needa go back to ny for the west-division orienteering thingy! *pouts* needa wake up early! : okayye shall stop here..
Written on: Monday, September 05, 2005 Time: 2:00 AM
whee! im back once again (: lols.din manage to blog ytd cos the schedule was DAMN PACKED.okayye, now let's trace back to the past =/ so lame! ytd had to go back to school at EIGHT and cca ended lyk how late the previous dae?! disgusting.bwahaas.okayye had to go back to ny for the trial run for the west-division orienteering competiton on tuesdae (: we saw the swiss cottage guides and some other ppl from other schools thou they came for the st.johns thingy; dunnoe wad thing.okayye anw. we only could leave when our different groups finished the puzzle.hahha.we finshed second but waited for the bus for lyk HOW LONG?! woah.maybe cos we din reallie noe wad bus to take cos we dunno how to use the bus guide! and the snrs following us were lyk laughing at was a FAILURE to get to the bukit timah hill.WOAH! so pissed.lols. made the snrs walk with us and went round and evil larh me =/ okayye spent almost an hour when we were only supposed to take 15 minutes.hahha.okayye then the station ICs were GAOMIN and kyna and another swiss cottage guide.whee! gaomin! hey katherine i dunno if you are seeing this but nvm dun be sad and dun get jealous cos i saw gaomin! xD okayye then got the other clue then it was kentridge.we were lyk crazie people going asking where's that place.lols. so funnie can! err.then went to the kentridge terminal and realised there's no much time so went back to stupid, only completed two stations[ including the jigsaw puzzle] jigsaw puzzles rock man! x) hahas. err, then went back then ms ng was lyk talking and talking non-stop about wad should be improved for the tuesdae's competition.lols. alot of things happened but im too lazy to list one by one ): was damn funnie thou.umm then went to j8 with cheryl and evelyn and tianhui and yiwei thou yiwei went back after buying her mac.lols.then cheryl they went to food junction while tianhui and me went to yoshinoya.whee! was laughing lyk mad and i kept showing her a paper given to me by a dunno wad person; its about basketball competitions.WHEE! no larh just joking but tianhui was laughing at me! humph. okayye then had to rush home cos had campfire that night.ahh.i rushed home then bathe, changed into uniform.went to my cousin's house later.sat for lyk FIVE minutes and went off to meet yiwei to go to the redhill mrt (: saw our snrs and fellow guides.went to the gan eng seng sec school and the campfire was fun! cos we shouted and shouted.lols. we ran round the so called fire many times and went to "stage" to watch the gan eng seng scouts perform lyk a live concert.woots~ we jumped and jumped and screamed and screamed! OH YA! the gate way built by the scouts was damn cool and nice! it could lyk be lifted up (; whee! the scouts kept cheering and cheering lyk mad ppl! =/ was fun larh xD then when we went back renice told us to get into the mrt so we rushed in and when we went in the door closed and they said they made a mistake and we were on the wrong mrt.LOLS. hahha.but later huibin called me and said we can alight at the raffles place and change to the other line later.lols.was funny larh. then nth much happened later. OH, eva called me cos her joel friend raided her phone! lols. haha.then i was smsing eva, her friend and zhuangda at the same time.tralalas~ okayye then her friend said, hey eva dalring.LOLS. damn cute (: okayye larh then was bluffing him all the wae =x okayye, im tired and shall stop here first might blog later in the night xD byeeeeeeeeee
Written on: Saturday, September 03, 2005 Time: 12:57 PM
YOYOYO! im back again! whee! bwahaas.i sound lyk a mad woman o.O okayye shant crapp too much todae.umm cos i wanna SLEEP.i've been deprived of my sleep these few daes can! woah todae's guides was lyk HURHUR =/ esp the PT can! rah; sucky larh! made us do lyk how many pumpings and everyone was lyk..almost dead cos we ran and were SO SWEATY and kept sliding on the floor.hahha. then umm did guides board AGAIN! lols.was damn funny larh had no colours for the guides' skin so we mixed and mixed and all of the guides looked different x) lols.damn disgusting! okayye, think the best was the practical and theory thingy on the the flag** yarh the so called quiz was damn funny cos some of us gave answers that really made the snrs laugh lyk mad! =/ hahha.then had briefing was NOT GOOD.cos it lasted for lyk VERY LONG cos ms ng came and gave a VERY long briefing.she's alwaes lyk that.okayye maybe she'll sae its all for ur own good.BWAHAAS.okayye then went back with TIANHUI cos yenjin went missing? lols.then me and tianhui were laughing lyk mad on the bus! muahahaas.okayye tmr got the orienteering trial run at dunno where and got CAMPFIRE at night man! woah just knew todae lyk wow?! hahhas (: okayye bet tmr's ANOTHER tiring dae! but nvm it's gonna be fun! lols.shall stop here.too tired ):
Written on: Friday, September 02, 2005 Time: 6:12 AM
lalas~ im blogging early todae (: early as in not in the night. lols. okayye last night i waited for YOUR call till i fell asleep x) as YOU noe, i love to sleep ^^ whee! okayye nvm but you called early in the morning AND i got a sore throat *pouts* hurhur.then kang xian as he claimed to be, smsed me.he got my number ytd and yarh angeline they all started to scare me by saeing that he gave it to ALL of his friends and someone in there likes me =/ oh wadever.bwahaas.kang xian's damn scarie can! ): but nvm i called out for zhuangda's help (: whee! then zhuangda said kangxian's rude cos he called zhuangda and when zhuangda said hello he just hung the phone. lols. i noe u ARE poilte. hahha. and my dad was at home todae (: so he went out with my brother to buy dunno wad food. i dunno wad issit so i blur blur just ate it xD being blur ROCKS! woots~ okayye and my dad asked me and my brother to have a competition =/ he asked us to drink water! LOLS was damn funnie ;the bottle was LONG.hahha okayye then making it not easy to drink.umm yarh then i drank till my WHOLE shirt was wet! argh.he said :" sec one alreadie still drink until lyk that.aiyoh" i was lyk wadever.BWAHAAS (: its so lame cos i lost =D heh. then was reading magazines all the while before using the com.tralalas~ err.i HAVEN start on my homework =x dun think we have to hand in any tmr so yarh shall be lazy =D wahahas.OH! i got homework to hand in tmr! (: LETTERS whee! YO TIANHUI! WHEE DARLING! xD ahh.sandie's happy todae (: spastic! lyk mentioning tianhui in every of my entries.lols. okayye as im blogging in the middle of the dae; nothing much to talk about (: lols.whee! tonight got SUPERSTAR! star star star x) GREEN and RED star! wheeeeeeeeeeeee
Written on: Thursday, September 01, 2005 Time: 10:54 AM
okayye im back again! (: whee! i called TIANHUI many times todae and she called me many times todae! xD YO TIANHUI! err. todae was a fun, sad, happy, angry, WONDERFUL dae! tralalas~ im going mad =/ okayye tianhui; promise you neoprints if we go out together again (: im nice! agree? lols.okayye *ego* umm.todae's prog in school was quite okayye larh then the class party i din reallie spend time with my class; spent it rather with tianhui and eva xD but actually more with tianhui (: bwahaas.tianhui rocks *beams* err.okayye todae in school i ate the dunno wad stupid sweet then was DAMN SOUR my saliva was FLOWING down! then cheryl jieyi linlin they were laughing at me can! grr.then i went to the garbage bag in class and its filled with my SALIVA! eww *pukes* then amanda sprayed the dunno wad thing on me then my hair had those stuff and i washed my hair can! woah =/ eva was wad happened to ur hair? lols.aiyah anw was damn pissed cos went back to cf and we weren't allowed to go in! bwahaas.went to mac then =/ then went back.hurhur.umm then waited till THREE! woah.then went in and got chased out of school at FOUR.wadever larh.then went to the northpoint with angeline melissa and sheena.angeline made us walk round the place man times cos they dunn wan to go back so early =/ then weiying ask me to ask the lady in the SEMBAWANG cd shop if they sell cds there.i asked and the lady was lyk: err, yes..? ahh.i was in my uniform and i actually did that?! woah then they were laughing at me can! =/ woah.err im damn tired now so shall stop; seems that im tired every single dae! =/ okayye im going off (: